Payment method:PayPal



Important information:

  • Paypal is safe and easy way to pay without exposing your financial information as PayPal keeps your financial details secure.
  • will be automatically redirected to PayPal service to securely log in and after that you can choose to pay with a credit card or your Paypal account balance.
  • In case you don’t have Paypal account just select PayPal as your payment option and you’ll be guided through the easy signup process on PayPal’s web site.
  • It takes a few minutes to complete, and it’s free.
  • Please note WE do not have access to any data of your PayPal account as whole payment process is being done within PayPal.
  • There is no fee for the selecting this method of payment.
  • Note: You can use this payment method selecting one of the listed above countries before starting the reservation.